En Dash Punctuation Rules and Examples

En dash , is a punctuation mark that’s longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash. Here’s how it’s used:

En Dash:

Showing a Range:

The en dash is used to indicate a range between numbers, dates, or times.


  • “Pages 45–60.”
  • “Monday–Friday.”
  • “9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.”

Connecting Scores:

It’s used to show scores or a tie between two competitors.

Example: “The final score was 3–3.”

Linking Related Pairs of Words:

Sometimes, the en dash is used to connect words that describe a relationship or connection between two concepts.

Example: “The New York–London flight.”

Replacing the Word ‘to’:

The en dash can replace the word ‘to’ when expressing a range.

Example: “The conference will be held May 5–10.”

In Compound Adjectives:

When a compound adjective involves a multi-word element, an en dash can be used instead of a hyphen.

Example: “pre–Civil War era.”

Avoid Mixing with Other Dashes and Hyphens:

It’s essential to distinguish the en dash from the shorter hyphen and the longer em dash, as they have different uses.


The en dash is used to represent ranges, connections, and relationships in writing. It helps create a clean and clear way to express these concepts, adding clarity to the text.


The en dash is a versatile punctuation mark with specific applications in showing ranges, connections, or scores. It’s an essential tool that enhances readability and accuracy in writing, conveying complex relationships in a simple and elegant way. Its proper usage can help create a more polished and professional appearance in your text.

See also  Square Brackets Punctuation Rules and Examples

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