Proper Nouns – Definition and Examples

In English grammar, nouns play a crucial role as they act as identifiers of places, people, or things. Among them, Proper Nouns stand tall with a unique distinction. Let’s see what makes them special.

Proper Noun Definition

A Proper Noun refers to specific names of people, places, organizations, or sometimes events. Unlike common nouns, which are generic terms, proper nouns are unique identifiers. They always begin with a capital letter, showcasing their importance.

Proper Noun Usage

Identification of People:

  • Each individual has a name, which is a proper noun, like Maria, Robert, or Emily.

Geographical Locations:

  • Cities, countries, rivers, and mountains have unique names, like Paris, India, Amazon River, or Mount Everest.

Institutions and Organizations:

  • Schools, universities, companies, and other institutions like Harvard University or Microsoft have specific names.

Events and Holidays:

  • Special events and holidays also have proper nouns, like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or The Oscars.


  • Brand names are also proper nouns, like Nike, Apple, or Tesla.

Days and Months:

  • Days of the week and months of the year are capitalized, hence are proper nouns, like Monday or January.

Proper Noun Examples

In day to day life, proper nouns appear all around. Here are a few sentences illustrating their use:


  • “Last summer, Sarah and John vacationed in Rome.”
  • In this sentence, ‘Sarah’, ‘John’, and ‘Rome’ are proper nouns.

Geographical Locations:

  • “The Nile River is the longest river in Africa.”
  • Here, ‘Nile River’ and ‘Africa’ are proper nouns.

Institutions and Organizations:

  • “After graduating, she secured a job at Google.”
  • In this case, ‘Google’ is the proper noun.
See also  Common Nouns – Definition and Examples

Events and Holidays:

  • “Many families gather together on Christmas Eve.”
  • ‘Christmas Eve’ is the proper noun here.


  • “He bought a new pair of Adidas sneakers.”
  • ‘Adidas’ is the proper noun.

Days and Months:

  • “She was born on a sunny morning in May.”
  • ‘May’ is the proper noun.

Through understanding and utilizing proper nouns, we not only adhere to the grammatical rules of English but also pay homage to the unique identities and titles that color our conversations and writings. Whether talking about a person, a place, or a beloved holiday, proper nouns help us to be precise and respectful in our language use.

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