Period Punctuation Rules and Examples

A period punctuation mark, also known as a full stop, is one of the most common and heavily used punctuation marks. Let’s have a look at period punctuation rules and examples.

Period or Full Stop: .

The period is one of the simplest yet most essential punctuation marks in the English language. Here’s how and why it’s used:

Ending a Sentence:

The primary use of a period is to mark the end of a declarative sentence, which is a sentence that makes a statement or expresses an opinion.

Example: “She loves to read books.”

After Abbreviations:

In some forms of English, especially American English, a period is used after certain abbreviations.


  • “Dr.” for “Doctor.”
  • “U.S.” for “United States.”
  • “a.m.” for “ante meridiem” (before noon).

With Initials:

If you are using initials instead of a full name, place a period after each initial.

Example: “J.K. Rowling.”

Inside Quotation Marks:

In American English, the period usually goes inside quotation marks.

Example: “He said, ‘Come here.'”

In Decimal Numbers:

It is used to separate the whole number part from the fractional part in a decimal.

Example: “3.14.”

No Extra Spaces after a period:

After a period, use one space (not two) before starting the next sentence.

Not Used in Question or Exclamation Sentences:

The period is not used at the end of a question or an exclamation. Those sentences use a question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!), respectively.

See also  En Dash Punctuation Rules and Examples


The period helps to break up the text into digestible pieces, making it easier to read and understand. It indicates a full stop in thought, allowing the reader to pause and absorb what they have read before moving on to the next idea. Without periods, everything would run together, and the text would be confusing.


The period or full stop is a vital punctuation mark in English that mainly signals the end of a sentence. It also has specific uses in abbreviations, initials, and numbers. Understanding and using the period correctly leads to clear and effective writing.

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