Prepositions – Definition, Types, and Examples

Prepositions in English Grammar For English learners, prepositions can be a tricky yet essential component to master. These small words hold great significance, giving clarity and direction to our sentences. In this article, we’ll delve deep into understanding prepositions, their types, and their uses, with examples to make the learning journey smoother. Definition of a Preposition At its core, a …

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Adverbs – Definition, Types, and Examples

Adverbs in English Grammar Learning the English language can sometimes feel like solving a puzzle, especially when understanding parts of speech like adverbs. For learners of English as a second language, grasping the concept of adverbs is crucial. So, let’s explore what adverbs are, their types, how they are used, and some helpful examples. Definition of an Adverb An adverb …

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Adjectives – Definition, Types, and Examples

Adjectives are one of the eight parts of speech in the English language. They play a crucial role in adding flavor and detail to our communication. By understanding adjectives, we can express ourselves more clearly and colorfully. This article covers what adjectives are, their different types, and how they are used in sentences. Adjective Definition: An adjective is a word …

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Extravagance Meaning, Root Word, Synonyms, Antonyms

Extravagance Meaning The word “extravagance” refers to the act of spending more than is necessary or the quality of being lavish and excessive. It often implies a lack of restraint in spending money or using resources. Extravagance can relate to various aspects of life, including but not limited to, personal lifestyle, events, or even a government’s use of public funds. …

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Em dash vs En dash

Punctuation marks are like traffic signals for reading—they guide the reader through the text. Among these marks, dashes are often misunderstood. Specifically, the em dash and the en dash can be confusing. Let’s explore the differences between these two types of dashes and how to use them correctly. What is an Em Dash? Definition An em dash is a long …

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Christmas Decorations Vocabulary

If you are looking for Christmas decorations vocabulary, we are here to help. Here’s a list of 50 words related to Christmas decorations, followed by their meanings and examples of usage. This should be useful for English learners, especially those for whom English is a second language. Christmas Decorations Vocabulary Word List: Christmas Decorations Vocabulary Meanings and Usage: 1. Ornament …

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Christmas Food Vocabulary

The love for festivities and food is always increasing. We have created a Christmas food vocabulary post to help you find new delicacies and words around them. Here’s a list of 50 words related to Christmas food, followed by their meanings and examples of usage. This should be helpful for English learners, especially those for whom English is a second …

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Christmas Vocabulary – 50 awesome Christmas celebration words

Celebrating Christmas! That time of the year is always exciting. We are here to add to your Christmas vocabulary. Here’s an expanded list of 50 words related to Christmas, followed by their meanings and examples of usage. This should be useful for English learners, especially those for whom English is a second language. Christmas Vocabulary Word List: Christmas Vocabulary Meanings …

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Words related to Celebration

Here is a detailed list of words related to celebration along with their meanings and usage examples. This should be helpful for people learning English, especially for those for whom English is a second language. Words related to Celebration Word Meanings and Usage: 1. Celebration Meaning: A joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event.Example: We had a …

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