Phrasal Verbs with Call

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with call, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Call Back Meaning: To return a phone call.Example: I’ll call you back in a few minutes. Call For Meaning: To require or demand something, or to pick someone up.Example: The recipe calls for three eggs. Call In Meaning: To request someone’s presence …

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Phrasal Verbs with Burn

Certainly! Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with burn, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Burn Down Meaning: To destroy something with fire.Example: The old barn burned down last night. Burn Off Meaning: To remove or disappear, usually due to heat or exercise.Example: The morning fog will burn off as the sun rises. Burn Out Meaning: …

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Phrasal Verbs with Bear

Certainly! Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with bear, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Bear Down Meaning: To apply pressure or focus intensely on a task.Example: She bore down on the project to meet the deadline. Bear On Meaning: To be relevant or have an effect on a situation.Example: The evidence will bear on the …

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Phrasal Verbs with Bring

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with bring, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Bring About Meaning: To cause something to happen.Example: The new law will bring about changes in the healthcare system. Bring Along Meaning: To take someone or something with you when you go somewhere.Example: Can I bring my friend along to the party? …

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Phrasal Verbs with Break

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with break, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Break Away Meaning: To separate oneself from a group or situation.Example: She broke away from the tour to explore on her own. Break Down Meaning: To stop functioning or to decompose.Example: The car broke down on the way to the beach. Break …

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Phrasal Verbs with Add

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with add, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Add In Meaning: To include an extra item or amount.Example: Don’t forget to add in the sales tax when calculating the total cost. Add On Meaning: To attach or append something to an existing object or arrangement.Example: They decided to add on …

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Phrasal Verbs with Across

Certainly! Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with across, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Come Across Meaning: To find something or meet someone by chance.Example: I came across an old photo while cleaning the attic. Get Across Meaning: To successfully communicate or convey an idea.Example: The teacher struggled to get the concept across to the …

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Phrasal Verbs with Around

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with around, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Ask Around Meaning: To ask multiple people for information or help.Example: I’ll ask around to see if anyone can help you move. Clown Around Meaning: To act in a silly or playful manner.Example: Stop clowning around and focus on your homework. Come …

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Phrasal Verbs with Account

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with account, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Account For Meaning: To explain or justify something.Example: Can you account for the missing money? Account To Meaning: To be responsible to someone and explain actions or decisions to them.Example: As a manager, you’ll have to account to the board of directors. …

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Phrasal Verbs with Away

Here’s a list of phrasal verbs with away, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meanings and examples. Break Away Meaning: To separate oneself from a group or situation.Example: She broke away from the tour to explore on her own. Cast Away Meaning: To throw something away or to abandon someone.Example: He cast away his old clothes. Do Away With …

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